
August 12, 2019 Weekly Pork Price

Nova Scotia Weekly Market Report: August 12 to August 16, 2019

  Price (kg)   Change Price (cwt) Change
Hogs $2.0947   $0.0233 $95.01 $1.06
Sows $1.7805   $0.0198 $80.76 $0.90
Carcass Value $208.82   $2.32

August 5, 2019 Weekly Pork Price

Nova Scotia Weekly Market Report: August 5 to August 9, 2019

  Price (kg)   Change Price (cwt) Change
Hogs $2.0714   $0.1818 $93.96 $8.25
Sows $1.7607   $0.1545 $79.86 $7.01
Carcass Value $206.50   $18.12

Flies can play a role in transmitting ASF into farms

Flies can play a role in transmitting ASF into Farms

Training on African Swine Flu (ASF) and how to protect you and your operation

As an introduction, this 3-minute video from the European Food Safety Agency recapitulates the clinical signs and risks associated with African Swine Fever.

Animal Diseases Recognition and Response Training Course; Presented by Dr. Chris Oura


July 29, 2019 Weekly Pork Price

Nova Scotia Weekly Market Report: July 29 to August 2, 2019

  Price (kg)   Change Price (cwt) Change
Hogs $1.8896   $0.1223 $85.71 $5.55
Sows $1.6062   $0.1040 $72.85 $4.72
Carcass Value $188.38   $12.19  

July 22, 2019 Weekly Pork Price

Nova Scotia Weekly Market Report: July 22 to July 26, 2019

  Price (kg)   Change Price (cwt) Change
Hogs $1.7673   $0.0007 $80.16 $0.03
Sows $1.5022   $0.0006 $68.14 $0.03
Carcass Value $176.18   $0.07  

July 15, 2019 Weekly Pork Price

Nova Scotia Weekly Market Report: July 15 to July 19, 2019

  Price (kg)   Change Price (cwt) Change
Hogs $1.7666   – $0.0585 $80.13 – $2.65
Sows $1.5016   -$0.0497 $68.11  -$2.26
Carcass Value $176.11   -$5.83  

July 8, 2019 Weekly Pork Price

Nova Scotia Weekly Market Report: July 8 to July 12, 2019

  Price (kg)   Change Price (cwt) Change
Hogs $1.8251   – $0.1153 $82.79 – $5.23
Sows $1.5513   -$0.0980 $70.37  -$4.45
Carcass Value $181.95   -$11.49  

Notice to Producers: PigTRACE Price Increase on Ear Tags

PigTRACE Tag Price Increase

July 2, 2019 Weekly Pork Price

Nova Scotia Weekly Market Report: July 1 to July 5, 2019

  Price (kg)   Change Price (cwt) Change
Hogs $1.9404   – $0.0654 $88.02 – $2.97
Sows $1.6493   -$0.0556 $74.81  -$2.52
Carcass Value $193.44   -$6.52  

Contact Us

7 Atlantic Central Drive
East Mountain, NS B6L 2Z2
Tel: (902) 893-7455
Fax: (902) 893-7063

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