November PigTrace Update


On July 16, 2012, the Canadian Pork Council (CPC) encouraged the Canadian pork industry to participate in thirty day public comment period with respect to proposed swine traceability regulations.  During that time the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) received submissions from 28 organizations and individuals which comprised 197 individual comments.

CPC’s PigTrace Canada program is happy to report that many of those who responded either shared their comments, consulted CPC on what issues to address, or asked for assistance in drafting their responses. Overall, the body of comments echoed and supported the CPC’s review of proposed regulations to the Health of Animals Regulations.

Federal regulation of the national swine traceability system is important in order to ensure the compliance necessary to provide animal health officials with the tools necessary to identify and locate all affected swine, facilities, and vehicles during a disease outbreak or food safety issue.

Although the CFIA cannot share the specific comments submitted, CPC’s PigTrace program has received a general summary of the issues brought forward.  Overall, the comments were very positive but recommendations for amendments to the drafting instructions were also made.

Early indications from CFIA are positive in terms of hearing what industry has said, and taking the time necessary to grow the program.  In general, CPC is satisfied that comments and identified issues will be addressed.

The CFIA Traceability Office drafted responses to each of the 197 comments made and will now conduct internal consultations over the proposed amendments and responses.

In the meantime, PigTrace is moving forward with activities that will support the proposed regulatory amendment, such as working with early adopters to complete the national swine traceability database.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your local provincial pork office or contact Jeff Clark, Manager of PigTrace Canada at 204-237-7447 or via email at


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7 Atlantic Central Drive
East Mountain, NS B6L 2Z2
Tel: (902) 893-7455
Fax: (902) 893-7063