CPC Issues Important Documents Relating to the Upcoming Federal Election

With the federal election launched last week, political party campaigns and leaders will be travelling across Canada to roll out their platforms.  Throughout the next five weeks, CPC will be monitoring  the campaigns of the four parties (Liberals, Conservatives, NDP and Green Party) that could have government or  influence policy and government decisions in the next parliament. They will be documenting comments and commitments that could impact pork producers and sharing that information with members.  Depending on the relevance, CPC will send out election watch documents as it occurs or as part of a weekly summary of election activities.

CPC encourages producers to speak with candidates during the election period.

Please see three important documents below, issued by the CPC:

CPC Chair – Election Letter to Producers Sept 2019 Web links in the bottom of the letter will take the producer to two documents that can help producers talk about the five priorities

2019 Election Priorities September 2019 This election priorities document can be shared with the candidate

2019 Election Priorities – Speaking Points September 2019 This speaking points document contains information for producers to review